In the autumn of 2023, Bi-O has activated a dormant company (Bi-O Design AS) which will take over the name Bi-O AS, while the old Bi-O AS will be renamed Bi-O Agro AS. Why we do this is described in more detail here.
BI-O AS 997 928 695
§ 3 The company’s purpose
Bi-O will contribute to promoting the green shift with a main focus on ecological and locally based food security and food sovereignty, as well as production systems for this.
The company’s business is the marketing and sale of products and services that naturally belong to this focus, as well as the initiation, operation and financing of collaborative projects and legal entities.
The company must also be innovative, research into and facilitate discussion about how society can reconcile economics with regard to ecology.
BI-O Agro AS 822 955 002
§ 3 The company’s purpose and operations
Bi-O Agro will contribute to promoting organic and locally based food security and food sovereignty
through making a large range of species and variety available for the establishment of
food production systems.
The company’s business is research and development in food production, training, production of
propagating material within plants, fungi, animals and microorganisms, as well as production of raw materials
for consumption.
- Håkon Mella, Nesodden (50 %)
- Karl Aakerro, Maridalen (50 %)
- Karl Aakerro, board leader
- Håkon Mella, board member
- Karl Aakerro
ACCOUNT: 1503.55.49169
IBAN: NO6415035549169
BANK: DNB, Postboks 1600 Sentrum, 0021 Oslo, NORWAY
Bi-O Agro AS
ACCOUNT: 1506.26.71480
IBAN: NO4015062671480
BANK: DNB, Postboks 1600 Sentrum, 0021 Oslo, NORWAY
Håkon (left) and Karl met during a period when Håkon lived in Maridalen, and quickly found out that they had a lot in common regarding focus and experience. It all started with the establishment of Bi-O as a visionary transition project with a start-up event on the lawn where the company still has its base. This was followed by Bi-O Design ANS, which carried out a garden design project at Furseth in Oslo, and started cultivation at Sørbråten farm in Maridalen. Håkon and his family moved to Nesodden not long after the start-up, and have gradually had to focus his day-to-day work there, and not least the development and operation of Dysterjordet cooperative agriculture. Håkon now has small children, is busy with bees and vegetable production (via Vaar Gård), as well as a position in the Vitensparken at NMBU in Ås where he e.g. teaches and communicates about sustainable food production and school gardens.
ANS was replaced by AS in 2019, and Karl is in practice the one who currently runs the companies from the base at Snippen, Sørbråten in Maridalen. Karl was trained as an architect in the 90s, and has run a business in model building and visualization, but has gradually shifted to his great youth passion: environmental protection, cultivation, building greenhouses, and now in combination with the development of IT systems and the further development of Bi -O.
Neither Håkon nor Karl comes from a business background, and are largely self-taught in terms of operations, accounting, etc. They also have no interest in promoting large personal financial ambitions, but want to contribute as best they can to the green shift. They see their holdings in Bi-O as a “potato” that can be cut in slises passed on to others who want to come in as investors and help make this project the tool for transformation it can become.
Sist oppdatert 2023-11-09 av Bi-O