Maridalen as a pilot for the food system of the future

Oslo has distinguished itself globally as a pioneering city in terms of to reduce local emissions of greenhouse gases. The time has now come for the Oslo region to take its share of the responsibility for building the food security of the future.

Maridalen can become one of several investment areas, not least as part of a training plan to increase participation in all stages of food production. This is because the area is close to the city and is easily accessible by public transport and bicycle, and because more than half of the farms here are municipally owned. This constitutes a unique opportunity for the public sector to facilitate making the valley a priority area for research, experimentation and training, in addition to allowing the population to participate concretely in local food production for Oslo’s population. This should also take place within the framework of both an ecological approach and the use of new technology.

The article was started on 2023-09-03

Sist oppdatert 2023-11-09 av Bi-O

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