
– an investment for life

Jerusalem artichoke is less prone to plant diseases, unlike potatoes, so if you have a cultivar, you can have it for life. We offer 8-10 varieties of the best cultivars we have arrived at, and these cover a wide range in terms of shape, color and day neutrality. We have also been involved in a collaborative project with Stephen Barstow and an Italian plant enthusiast to develop new varieties. The results of this will be described in a separate article later this autumn.

The only thing you have to keep in mind is to thin the field, because otherwise the plants will become to many and produce only small tubers. The best is to alternate between a minimum of two fields, so you always keep about 30cm between the plants (10 cm deep). You can harvest and set in the spring, but the best is to do it in the fall.

The tubers can withstand frost, but if there is little snow and a lot of alternating thawing and freezing, there can be some damage. In addition, ground rats and other animals may cause damage. You can be guaranteed to have left some in the old field, and these can be moved as long as they have only just started shooting, usually until May.

We have worked with Jerusalem artichoke for many years and have over 60 named varieties as well as a number of experimental varieties. This has become too overwhelming, so we have reduced the amount to focus on the most promising and in most demand. The cultivars comes mostly from NIBIO Landvik, which has collected cultivars from all over Norway a few years ago, as well as imported a number of varieties from the Genbank of Canada.

See also info and cultivation guide from NIBIO (Norw. only).

The Jerusalem artichoke is related to sunflowers and forms a sea of 6-7 cm wide flowers that last a long time.

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Sist oppdatert 2024-01-22 av Bi-O

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