Plant database for KVANN

During the winter of 2019/20, the association KVANN received a new website delivered by us in Bi-O, built in WordPress with an internal social media platform (BuddyPress) and online store (Woocommerce).

On the basis of this solution, we have worked on an early version of a plant database, and this is now being implemented. The solution now has:

  • an internal encyclopedia with relevant families, genera, species and varieties
  • system for creating accessions list with actual material shared between the members
  • system to activate accessions on member profile and
  • system to show which accessions members share seeds and plant material from and finally an automatically updated a catalog showing who shares what

During fall / early winter 2020, this database will be quality checked and accessions will begin to be created so that members can activate these and use the catalog.

Sist oppdatert 2023-10-20 av Bi-O